We went to Jamie's Italian:
The next day we went up Saint Mary's Cathedral tower, to get some great views of Oxford.

Then I had to go to my last tutorial of Hilary Term. We met in Cafe Nero and chatted about absurd theater, celebration and figurative feasts. It was a good conclusion to our work over the course of the term. Then I went back to the hotel where I was presented with a cake from the cake shop in the Covered Market.

The next day meant freedom! I was done with my work for term so we rented a car and drove to the Hundred Acre Wood. Not exactly, but it was a big old forest.

Then me and the bros got silly:
In the forest, there was a giant chair. No joke. Pics or it didn't happen? Ok. Here goes.

I'll explain. There was a walk through the woods with a bunch of these sculptures. Only it rained on us and this seemed like the only cool one so we kind of gave up on it. The chair was neat, though.
We got back to Oxford just in time to head over to New College for Evensong.

Evensong was beautiful and sung by a pretty impressive boys choir. After that, we met up with my friends for dinner on Cowley at an Indian restaurant called Aziz.

Understandably, everyone wanted their picture with the Willinghams!

You know we were having fun because we're hot and sweaty and holding alcohol ;)

I can't think of a better way to end Trinity term.
Yay,my parents! :D Um...is Geoff wearing a box in like 2 of the last 3 pictures?