Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eurotrip Part I: Visiting Anja, Getting Grace

April 7 (That's right, over a month ago) I left for my great European adventure ultimately landing me back at Oxford for Trinity term. I was supposed to meet Grace in the airport but her flight got canceled. Luckily, by the wonders of facebook, she managed to communicate this to Anja who called me at the airport and told me how to get to her. We spent the afternoon in the park with her brother and her dogs.

I was pretty exhausted after all the traveling, so after this we headed back to Anja's to fuel up on feta cheese and homemade jam and bread. Delicious!

After dinner we finally got Grace, but our time as a trio was shortlived. Grace and I were destined for a 8am flight to Vienna so Anja's dad graciously drove us to the train station at 4:30am before the tube was running so we could get to the airport in time.

The train station was shut:

Luckily, there was another entrance which was open. Phew!

At the airport, the lights were purple! It was bewildering. Also because it was 4:30am.

Next stop, Vienna!

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