Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hall, anyone?

The closest thing to Hogwarts in the Muggle world has to be Oxford. This week formal hall began! This is when the students all come in and sit at huge long tables. Once we are there, the professors enter and we all stand as they walk past in their black robes and find their places at the head table perpendicular to ours. Then the headmaster says something in Latin and bangs a gavel and we sit down to be served a three-course meal.

Here's a view down my table to the profs and a closeup of lovely Lexi's face:

There they are in all their glory:

Aileen and Lexi both of whom live in my stair:

After dinner, we mosey into the JCR, the subsidized St Catz bar and lounge. Cider for 88p anyone?

Alexis and Erin H. in the JCR:

Lexi and me, AKA "the worst," as per usual:

Then, some people head out to the pubs from here but if you're me, you're still recovering from pneumonia so you might head home, and stop by study party in Erin B.'s room on the way:

Like Erin, Nick loves Oxford for giving him so much great reading material!!

After that I head home and get into this comfy bed with my penguin pal. In the morning, I roll over and flick the switch on this nifty new (far too expensive) kettle I bought. So beautiful, so convenient.

What is it with me and ending posts with appliances?


  1. Your just an appliance gal :D I LOVE the pictures from Hall. Thank you for taking them! Have a cider for me!

  2. Oh my god. I can't believe I just typed 'your' I meant YOU'RE.

  3. wow. Pictures tell it all for me. Thanks for the photos of Hall. I smiled at that! And your penguin... you brought your penguin!! now you definitely are psycho... :-)
