Wednesday, February 10, 2010

List: Some things change, some things never do

5 Things That Have Changed Since I came to Oxford:

1. I stopped obsessively checking the weather since it's essentially the same every day: Chilly, clouds, chance of light rain or snow in the afternoon.

2. I started procrastinating terribly so I'm up writing papers until 2am the night before they're due. :-/

3. Sometimes I go places on my own. Shocking, I know.

4. You may have noticed, I am constantly signed into chat which is never true at home. I feel I should make myself available though since you all in the States (or in Botswana! shout out to my most regular reader/commenter) can't just call me up.

5. I am addicted to Cadbury's.

5 Things That Haven't Changed a Bit:

1. I check the Hall menu just as often as I check the Café Mac menu at Macalester.

2. I still love matching.

3. I still have Kaija read over my papers (absolutely necessary due to my procrastination this term!)

4. Every day starts with a cup of tea.

5. According to all, I am as chatty as ever.


  1. Oh no! Colin beat me! :) A few things you probably already knew:
    a) I love that you are on chat!
    b) I love that I still get to read your papers
    c) Amen to 4b.
