Saturday, February 13, 2010

Out on the Town

I have collected a number eating/drinking pictures over the course of the term, which are kind of nonevent events, if you will so I decided to compile them all in one post!

Here's Emily and Charlie at hall at Jesus College where Lexi and I went on a lovely Monday evening.

Sunday night out for delicious Indian food on Cowley Road. Left to Right: Mike CK, Erin Horan, Drew, Andrea, Andrew. The restaurant was The flash made the lighting look weird, but actually it was weird already.

Mike Yohai and me. Something worth smiling about.

One night, Alexis and Grace and I went out for drinks when everyone else was going to a club or something and we wanted to have a chill night. Grace suggested we go to Chequers which I think is so far still my favorite pub.

Oh yeah, and did I mention Sir Francis? He was there too. He's Alexis's gnome. Can you spot him in this picture?

Hey Sir Francis, little buddy...

After Chequers closed at 11pm, we headed over to the King's Arms for some warm winter Pimm's. It's not uncommon for pubs to close that early. I don't think there's a pub in Oxford open past 12:30am.

Oh yeah, and at King's Arms we met up with Sensible Dave. Sensible Dave is appropriately named, let me assure you. In fact, he has an entire facebook app dedicated to him which gives you sensible advice! Check it out if you're interested.

Another night, actually the night after Lexi and my epic walk through University Parks, we decided to go out for drinks at the Eagle and Child famous for its writerly clientele. Left to right: Alexis, Lexi, Erin, Jarad, Drew and two people talking who I don't know...

Why the Eagle and Child pub is famous:

Despite it's cool connections, the Eagle and Child is often too crowded and doesn't actually serve half the things on its drink menu making it difficult to find something you want. If you like beer or cider you'll have no problem getting a pint. Just order what's on tap and don't try anything fancy.

Here's Drew, Mike, Lexi and Me nestled in a corner. You can see Mike has a notebook and a book with him as if he was going to get some work done or something. I have no idea what made him think that. I also do not know why he is pointing at the camera and making that ridiculous face.

One of Mike's many attempts to use his philosophy book to create interesting framing and get an artsy picture:

After some people left to go to a club, my camera was sitting at an empty table. These people thought I'd abandoned it for good and decided to leave me this hilarious picture:

This week (that's right, folks, this was only FOUR DAYS AGO!) it was Alexis's birthday. Well actually it was the day after her birthday but anyway, we decided to go to a wine tasting. It was really intense because they are preparing for a competition. At the end, we all got to pick our favorite of the wines and finish of the bottles. I picked a Pinot Noir.

Here's the birthday girl with the pint I bought for her!

After wine tasting we met up with more party people for drinks at the Turf. The Turf is famous because it is the pub where Bill Clinton "did not inhale." Here's Grace and Me celebrating this fact:

Sensible Dave and Andrea looking tough.

Roommate picture!!

This is the last picture I took that night. We were on our way to a club called The Bridge and it was snowing.

After this moment, everything went kind of downhill. My wallet was stolen at the club and I had to call the bank half drunk and cancel my debit card and order a new license and so on. I felt terrible, but it's all part of the experience right?

Anyway, now we are pretty much up to date. Yesterday I spent the entire day in Bath. Pictures forthcoming.


  1. Alexis has lovely glasses :) All in all you look like you are having too much fun (Eagle and Child!!! AHHHH!!! So excited). Although the combined effect of these photos is to make it look like you never work :D Something we both know is a lie. Have a pint and think of me!

  2. Wow this makes it look like study abroad is one big party for you missy!
