Friday, February 12, 2010

Touring Oxford Continues: A brief foray into Jericho and University Parks

One of the London IFSA coordinators named Andrew came down to give his own special tour of Oxford for anyone interested. We went around less familiar parts of Oxford, mostly checking out Jericho for the first time which used to be a sketchy neighborhood but is now rather gentrified and "cool," full of student housing, cheap eats and used bookstores. (Also Charlie lives there.) Jericho got its name because it is outside the old Oxford city walls.

Here's Lexi walking by Keble College:

Oxford's version of the Bridge of Sighs in Venice. This isn't in Jericho at all...more towards the center of town:

These twin towers apparently inspired Tolkien's Two Towers in Lord of the Rings.

This is where Sir Haley discovered Haley's Comet! In his own personal observatory at the top of his house.

This is the back of Christchurch College.

Me at the Rhodes House. This is where the Rhodes scholars hang out!! I look natural, right??

Last Friday (we are getting more and more up to date, finally!) Lexi and i went on a tour of the University Parks...and by tour I mean just us wandering around, haha. Here's a map of the parks:

We entered from South Parks Road and went across the parks and then up by the pond and over to Lady Margaret Hall where Mike goes. Here's Lexi, happy to be out and about in the parks. It was a pretty warm and sunny afternoon too which is rare for Oxford so we picked a good day to go.

The first of a long series of Katie and/or Lexi on a bridge picture.


Sun going down which still happens very early.

Lady Margaret Hall:

Here's me crossing over into what I later found out are the LMH faculty gardens AKA we were definitely not supposed to be in there. Lexi had a feeling we shouldn't be there but I stand by if there are no signs anywhere than I can't be blamed!

Mike showing us his sweet pad at LMH.

After LMH, the three of us decided to explore some other nearby colleges. Lexi is trying to see as many Oxford colleges as possible. So here's Mike and Lexi at some other college. Saint Anne's maybe? This is the problem when you don't keep up with the blog!!

Maybe we were at Saint Hughes? Here's Lexi with a cool tree!

Mike investigating a cool rock:

Here's a cool picture of Lexi and Mike walking back down to the center of town.

Cool, cool, cool.


  1. Cool ;) The buildings are gorgeous. As is Mike's wall-hanging. You may bring the two towers back to MN.

  2. Who likes all the little duckies in the pond...

    (I do I do I do a-chickie-quack-quack)

  3. that was Hugh's, yes :) the one with the trees. and isn't Jericho gorgeous? you have to come for dinner soon, Im sorry Im always so busy! xxx

  4. Twin towers ftw.

    Gardens are awesome.

    I am stoked.
